报 告 人:余开亮 博士
报告题目:Leveraging a data-model approach to assess carbon storage under global change

余开亮,普林斯顿大学副研究员,兰州大学生态学硕士,美国弗吉尼亚大学环境科学(生态水文)博士。先后在犹他大学、苏黎世联邦理工学院、法国气候环境变化实验室从事博士后研究。主要从事生态水文学,树/草/景天科代谢植物的竞争和共存、和全球森林碳和养分循环方向的研究。曾获得弗吉尼亚大学水文学奖、Joseph K. Roberts奖、论文发表奖等奖项。目前已在PNAS、 Science Advances、Nature Geoscience、New Phytologist等国际主流期刊发表学术论文50余篇。
Land carbon storage plays a prominent role in global carbon cycling, but its dynamics and projections remain highly uncertain. Thus we are unable to confidently predict changes in land carbon storage and its feedbacks to climate under global change. In this talk, I will show how the ground-based observations and a model-data integrated approach help us better understand the crucial ecological processes such as forest demography and structure (size vs density) and biogeography of soil microbial composition and root nutrients in influencing land carbon storage under global change. First, I will present the examples of leveraging large scale forest inventory datasets, Earth system models and dynamic vegetation models to understand spatiotemporal dynamics of forest net primary productivity and carbon turnover time, which together impact carbon stock change in forests. Second, I will show how the biogeography of soil microbial composition and root nutrients by linking above-ground and below-ground processes improve our predictions of land carbon storage.