应兰州大学资源环境学院邀请,美国地理学家协会前主席Ken Foote教授于2022年3月10日为我院教师和学生作学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加!
主 讲 人:Ken Foote康涅狄格大学地理系教授
1、Discipline-wide efforts of American Association of Geographers (AAG) to improve professional development for graduate students, early career faculty and department leaders;
2、AAG programs to advance research and its members.
主 持 人:贺缠生 教授
会议信息:会议号 (Zoom ID):722 454 7595;密码 (Password):123456;
会议链接 (Linkage): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7224547595

Ken Foote,芝加哥大学地理学博士,康涅狄格大学地理系教授,城市与社区项目主任。美国地理学家协会(AAG)会士,曾任美国地理学家协会主席,国家地理教育理事会主席。荣获AAG的J.B. Jackson奖、Gilbert Grosvenor地理教育荣誉,英国皇家地理学会的Taylor and Francis奖等诸多奖项。他应用地理信息科学与数据可视化开展城市化的相关研究,包括美国和欧洲土地景观的变迁、记忆和响应及美国城市激变的空间格局。近10余年来,他致力于青年地理学家和地理系主任的培养和发展工作。Ken Foote编辑出版了十余本专著书籍并发表众多论文,其撰写的《Shadowed Ground: America's Landscapes of Violence and Tragedy》一书更是获得了华盛顿玛丽大学历史保护奖等奖项。
Dr. Foote is a professor of geography at the University of Connecticut where he also directs the Urban and Community Studies Program. He is a past president and fellow of the American Association of Geographers AAG (2010-11) and a past president the U.S. National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) (2006). His work focuses on urban applications of geographic information systems and data visualization,historical preservation, heritage tourism, and the commemorative landscapes of the U.S. and Europe. Among his books areShadowed Ground: America's Landscapes of Violence and Tragedy(2003), andAspiring Academics: A Resource Book for Graduate Students and Early Career Faculty(2009). Dr. Foote has also worked to improve professional development opportunities for early-career geographers as well as for department leaders. He has received major national and international awards for his research, teaching, mentoring and service from the AAG, NCGE, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, and the Royal Geographical Society of the United Kingdom.