报 告 人:张帆一 博士
主 持 人:陈娅玲 副教授

张帆一,南京水利科学研究院工程师。于2014年在河海大学获学士学位,2020年在清华大学获水利工程博士学位,导师为林斌良教授。负责国家重点研发计划专题、江苏省水利科技项目等省部级科研项目3项,参与长江河道治理、航道整治、过江通道建设等重大工程科研项目10余项,研究成果发表在Water Resources Research等期刊上。目前主要研究方向为人类活动下大型河流泥沙动力演变,感潮河段径潮相互作用,潮汐河段崩岸预警等。本次报告旨在以大型水库影响下的长江中下游为研究对象,揭示干流悬沙浓度的时空变化特征及其对水库运行的响应机制,探讨河湖泥沙交换关系的发展趋势,预测感潮河段入海悬沙浓度的变化。报告还将简要介绍减沙背景下长江下游河道面临的工程问题实例。在全球范围内,大型水库的调蓄作用和拦沙效应改变了河流径流过程与泥沙输运过程,已成为水库-河流-河口系统研究的关键问题之一,本研究也为其他大型河流的管理提供新的启示。
Dr Zhang is an engineer at Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute. He received his bachelor's degree from Hohai University in 2014 and his Ph.D. in hydraulic engineering from Tsinghua University in 2020 under the supervision of Professor Lin Binliang. He is now responsible for 3 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects and has participated in more than 10 engineering projects for river controlling and waterway improvement. The research results have been published in Journals such as Water Resources Research. At present, the main research interests are the sediment dynamics in large rivers under human activities, the river-tide interactions and the early warning of the riverbank collapse. This report aims to research on the middle and lower Yangtze River, reveal the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the suspended sediment concentration and the response mechanism to the operation of the reservoir, explore the trend of the sediment exchange relationship between rivers and lakes, and predict the change of the sediment into the sea. The report will also briefly introduce examples of engineering problems in the lower Yangtze River due to sediment reduction. On a global scale, the discharge regulation and sediment storage effects of large reservoirs have changed the river discharge and sediment transportation processes, which has become one of the key issues in the study of reservoir-river-estuary system, and this study also provides new enlightenment for the management of these large river systems.