Amid the light fragrance of phoenix tree flower and the gentle coolness of early autumn, the classroom B515 in the Qinling Building at Lanzhou University was abuzz with activity. On September 2, Academician Qin Dahe of the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted an online lecture on Introduction to Cryospheric Science for the 2022 undergraduate cohort of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Professor Mu Cuicui from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences provided in-person assistance for the first lecture of the Cryospheric Science course.
During the class, Academician Qin explained the concepts and scope of cryospheric science, the relationship between the cryosphere and the climate system, the role of cryospheric science in economic and social development, and its connection to geopolitics. He emphasized the importance of systematically studying fundamental knowledge, basic concepts, and essential skills, combining theory with practice to build a solid foundation for future scientific research.

Academician Qin stressed that, in the context of global warming, the cryosphere is experiencing rapid and widespread retreat, with frequent occurrences of disasters and extreme events. He urged students to deeply consider the underlying causes of these sudden changes and their impacts on both nature and human society. He also encouraged them to stay informed about the cutting-edge developments in cryospheric science and to improve their English proficiency, ensuring the correct use of technical terminology in the field.
During the class, Researcher Xu Xinwu engaged with the students online through activities such as listening tests, reading corrections, and student presentations. To further reinforce the course content, Professor Mu Cuicui organized group discussions, after which group representatives shared their insights. Researcher Xu commended the students for their efforts, motivating them to work even harder in their studies. This lecture broadened the students' understanding of cryospheric science and sparked their interest in the subject, leaving a lasting impact.

Expert Profile of Academician Qin Dahe:
Academician Qin Dahe is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). He founded the State Key Laboratory of Cryosphere Science and constructed the theoretical framework of cryosphere science. He participated in and led the TAR, AR4, and AR5 assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); led the design and preparation of the scientific and national reports in a series of assessments on China's climate and ecological environment evolution, as well as the national assessment reports on China's extreme weather events and disaster risk management and adaptation. He also led the 'Study on China's Meteorological Development Strategy,' and introduced the new concepts of 'public meteorology, safe meteorology, and resource meteorology.' He has served as chief scientist for China’s National 973 Program and led the cryospheric science research group under the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published over 100 papers and monographs and has received numerous prestigious awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize, the International Meteorological Organization (IMO) Prize, the Volvo Environment Prize, China’s State Natural Science Award, and the First Prize in Natural Science from both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Gansu Province. In recent years, he has been honored with the CAS Outstanding Achievement Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Geographical Union, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Union for Quaternary Research.