


























2006年获兰州大学首届 “最受学生爱戴的教师”















1. Guan, Q.Y.,Yang, L.Q.,Guan, W.Q.,Wang, F.F., Liu, Z.Y., Xu, C.Q., Spatiotemporal NDVI variations in the Hexi Corridor and surrounding areas from 2000 to 2010. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2437-1 (SCI-3)

2. Guan, Q.Y.,Luo, H.P.,Pan,N.H., Zhao, R., Yang, L.Q.,Yang, Y.Y.,Tian, J., 2019. Contribution of dust in northern China to PM10 concentrations over the Hexi corridor.Science of the Total Environment, 660, 947-958. (SCI-2)

3. Guan, Q.Y.,Liu, Z.Y., Yang, L.Q., Luo, H.P.,Yang, Y.Y., Zhao, R., Wang, F.F., 2019. Variation in PM2.5 source over megacities on the ancient Silk Road, northwestern China. Journal of Cleaner Production,208, 897-903. (SCI-1)

4. Guan, Q.Y.,Yang, L.Q., Pan N.H.,Lin, J.K., Xu, C.Q., Wang, F.F., Liu, Z.Y.,2018. Greening and Browning of the Hexi Corridor inNorthwest China: Spatial Patterns and Responses toClimatic Variability and Anthropogenic Drivers. Remote Sensing, 10(8), 1270; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10081270(SCI-2)

5. Guan, Q.Y., Song, N., Wang, F.F., Yang, L.Q., Liu, Z.Y., 2018. Contamination levels and health risk assessments of heavy metals in an oasis-desert zone: A case study in northwest China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(23), 22606-22618.(SCI-3)

6. Guan, Q.Y.,Li, F.C., Yang, L.Q., Zhao, R., Yang, Y.Y., Luo, H.P., 2018. Spatial-temporal variations and mineral dust fractions in particulatematter mass concentrations in an urban area of northwestern China. Journal of Environmental Management, 222, 95-103. (SCI-2)

7. Wang, L,Guan, Q.Y.*(通讯作者),Wang, F.F., Yang, L.Q., Liu, Z.Y., 2018. Association between heating seasons and criteria air pollutants in three provincial capitals in northern China: Spatiotemporal variation and sources contribution. Building and environment, 132C, 233-244. (SCI-2)

8. Guan, Q.Y.,Wang, F.F., Xu, C.Q., Pan, N.H., Lin, J.K., Zhao, R., Yang, Y.Y., Luo, H.P., 2018. Source apportionment of heavy metals in agricultural soil based on PMF: A case study in Hexi Corridor, northwest China. Chemosphere, 193, 189-197. (SCI-2)

9. Guan, Q.Y., Sun, X.Z., Yang, J., Pan, B.T., Zhao, S.L., Wang, L., 2017.Dust storms in northern China: Long-term spatiotemporal characteristics and climate controls. Journal of Climate, 30, 6683-6700. (SCI-1& EI)

10. Guan, Q.Y., Cai, A., Wang, F.F., Yang. L.Q., Xu, C.Q., Liu, Z.Y., 2017. Spatio-temporal variability of particulate matter in the key part of Gansu Province, western China. Environmental Pollution, 230, 189-198. (SCI-2& EI)

11. Guan, Q.Y., Guan, W.Q., Yang, J., Zhao, S.L., Pan, B.T., Wang, L., Song, N., Lu, M., Li, F.C., 2017. Spatial and temporal changes in desertification in the Southern Region of the Tengger Desert from 1973 to 2009. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 129, 487-502. (SCI-3)

12. Guan, Q.Y., Cai, A., Wang, F.F., Wang, L., Wu, T., Pan, B.T.,Song, N., Li, F.C., Lu, M., 2016. Heavy metals in the riverbed surface sediment of the Yellow River, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(24), 24768-24780. (SCI-3)

13. Guan, Q.Y., Wang, L., Wang, F.F., Pan, B.T., Song, N., Li, F.C., Lu, M., 2016. Phosphorus in the catchment of high sediment load river: A case of the Yellow River, China. Science of the Total Environment, 572C, 660-670. (SCI-2)

14. Guan, Q.Y., Wang, L., Pan, B.T., Guan, W.Q., Sun, X.Z., Cai, A., 2016. Distribution features and controls of heavy metals in surface sediments from the riverbed of the Ningxia-Inner Mongolian reaches, Yellow River, China. Chemosphere, 144, 29-42. (SCI-2)

15. Pan, B.T.,Guan, Q.Y.*(通讯作者),Liu, Z.B.,Gao, H.S., 2015. Analysis of channel evolution characteristics in the Hobq Desert reach of the Yellow River (1962-2000).Global and Planetary Change, 135, 148-158. (SCI-3&EI)

16. Pan, B.T., Pang, H.L., Zhang, D.,Guan, Q.Y.*(通讯作者), Wang, L., Li, F.Q., Guan, W.Q., Cai, A., Sun, X.Z., 2015. Sediment grain-size characteristics and its source implication in the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia sections on the upper reaches of the Yellow River. Geomorphology,246, 255-262 (SCI-2)

17. Guan, Q.Y., Yang, J., Zhao, S.L., Pan, B.T., Liu, C.L., Zhang, D., Wu, T., 2015. Climatological analysis of dust storms in the area surrounding the Tengger Desert during 1960–2007. Climate Dynamics, 45(3), 903-913. (SCI-1)

18. Guan, Q.Y., Wang, L.J., Wang, L., Pan, B.T., Zhao, S.L., Zheng, Y., 2014.Analysis of trace elements (heavy-metal-based) in the surface soils of a desert-loess transitional zone in the south of the Tengger Desert. Environment Earth Sciences,72(8), 3015-3023.(SCI-4)

19. Pan, B.T.,Guan, Q.Y.*(通讯作者), Gao, H.S., Guan, D.S., Liu, F.L., Li, Z.M., Su, H., 2014. The origin and sources of loess-like sediment in the Jinsha River Valley, southwest China.Boreas, 43, 121-131. (SCI-2)

20. Guan, Q.Y., Zhang, J.D., Wang, L.J., Pan, B.T., Gui, H.J., Zhang, C., 2013. Discussion of the relationship between dustfall grain size and the desert border, taking the southern border of the Tengger Desert and the southern dust deposit area as an example.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 386, 1-7. (SCI-2)

21. Guan, Q.Y., Wang, L.J., Gui, H.J., Pan, B.T., Zhang, J.D., 2013. The relationship between modern meteorological elements and the southern border of the Tengger Desert.Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, 461-467. (SCI-3)

22. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Yang, J., Wang, L.J., Zhao, S.L., Gui, H.J., 2013.The processes and mechanisms of severe sandstorm development in the eastern Hexi Corridor China, during the Last Glacial period. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 62, 769-775. (SCI-3)

23. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Zhang, J.D., Xue, L.J., 2011. Timing and significance of the initiation of present day deserts in the northeasternHexi Corridor, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 306, 70-74. (SCI-2)

24.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Li, Q., Hu, Z.B., Gao, H.S., Xu, S.J.,Wang, Y., 2010. An indicator of sand storms in the south of the Tengger Desert. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102, 197-203. (SCI-3)

25. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Li, Q., Zhang, J.D., Xu, S.J., Gao, H.S., Liu, J., 2010. Loess record of the evolution history of severe sandstorms in the Tengger Desert during the Last Interglacial Period (MIS5). Geosciences Journal, 14(2), 155-162. (SCI-4)

26. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Li, Q., Zhang, J.D., Gao, H.S., Liu, J., 2010. Pattern of abrupt climatic fluctuation in the East Asian Monsoon during the last glacial: evidence from Chinese loess records. ComptesRendus Geoscience, 342(3), 189-196. (SCI-3)

27. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Li, Q., Zhang, J.D., Gao, H.S., Liu, J., 2010. A warming interval during the MIS 5a/4 transition in two high-resolution loess sections from China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 38, 255-261. (SCI-3)

28. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Gao. H.S., Li, Q., Yang, X.Y., 2009. Differences among sub-orbital time scale events recorded in two high-resolution loess sections, China, during the last deglaciation. Quaternary International, 198, 246-254. (SCI-3)

29. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Gao. H.S., Li, N., Zhang, H., Wang, J.P., 2008. Geochemical evidence of the Chinese loess provenance during the Late Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 270, 53-58. (SCI-2)

30. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Gao, H.S., Li, B.Y., Wang, J.P., Su, H., 2007. Instability characteristics of the East Asian Monsoon recorded by high-resolution loess sections from the last interglacial (MIS5). Science in China (Series D), 50 (7), 1067-1075. (SCI-4& EI).